
Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Tētahi- The Beach draft 1

This is my tētahi beach draft 1. I attempted to add  similes, metaphors and onomatopoeia. 

This is the link to my planning of 

Today we went to tētahi. It was as cold as the winter breeze but I still went into the water to do some

swimming. You can see the driftwood on the beach from the storm from last night. Then it got colder

and colder so I went back up onto the sand to make a sandcastle. The clouds are as dark as the

night sky. The wind was howling like a wolf and the sandcastle is finished. The  wind was as cold as

Antarctica but decided not to go home. I could hear the debris screaming as it went across the sand

for the high winds. The sea gulls are as loud as a zoo but it got too cold so I went home. 

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