
Friday, May 21, 2021

Running the NZ in a week

We had to writ about Running New Zealand in a week are how school was do it. They are highlighted because it show went they are like simile is highlighted yellow and my writing was about what it was like for me to running the school.

Today at Rawhtit school we are doing a run around the school. The cold

winter bezz was as cold as Antarctica but we started the run. I could hear

footsteps that were louder than a zooas me and Reuben went around the first playground. When I got to the second

playground I heard my heart boom andmy breath was as short as an ant but Rueben encouraged me to

keep going. As we got to the bike track the cold bezz was punching my lungs.

As we were on the second lap we were getting tired but we kept on going.

The silps and splash from my shoes hitting the mud. I could feel the sweat

caming down my face. You can see peaple fapping like whales behind you.  

As we were three laps as tired as a bear in hibernation. I was in the lead but

Reuben got in front of me at the second playground. Then as we got to the

spider web I clamb it for 2 to 3 seconds then I start to run again.  

as me and Reuben went around the first playground.

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