
Monday, December 14, 2020

My term 1 to term 4 reflections

 In term 1 we did animal reports and Mpr and I like what we were doing in literacy. In math we time tables sheet in math that was ok.  We did fitness and the tire run. Then we had tech we did cooking and mechanics. Then we had lock down that was fun and work was easy. Term 2 we had wpc That was ok I did cooking that was fun and soccer. In math we did time tables and round to the nest 10' 100 and 1000 that and we lorn measurements was not that fun but I lorn a lot In literacy we did Mpr and made Mprs that was fun Term 3 in literacy we did the same thing that was Mpr and make them. In math we did measurements and hafts  In tech we did plastics and electronics That  was boring. Term 4 in math we did Tangerine builder and 3D shapes that was fun. We did sailing that was boring. In literacy Mpr and make mpr. We did surfing that the most fun thing  that we did at school. We had inquiry we did make a gerunds that was boring. Then we had jelly park and a new playground. 

jelly park

 We when to jelly park for school on Friday. The first thing we did was the hider o slides me and Jayden K on the thin Kaeden Robbie zaza. Thin we what on the diving bored. We what back to the hider o slides Me' zaza' Robbie and Keaden. They we what in to the pool fun They got out to eat same of my lunch. They we what back it to the pool the rest of the day.

Monday, December 7, 2020

My math/ tessellation

 This is my tessellation We had to make this it was fun first you had to chose the shape that you whonted thin you had to pot them in they places 

Monday, November 23, 2020

To year six that are come to Tangaroa next year

 Hi year 6  when you go it to Tangaroa you need to lien and pay attention or you will not learn new and cool stuff and if you do not pay attention you will get told off.

Friday, November 20, 2020

MPR-Tiger Fish

  Tiger Fish - William Thompson

Description- The Tiger fish is (101.854 cm). They weigh(10kgs). They are coloured yellow’ brown’ silver and orange. Their teeth are (2.5) long. They are like an oval shape.     

Classification- The Tiger fish are in the fish family.They are in the Alestidae fish famliy. They are in the carnivora family.

Location-  The Tiger fish live in Africa and they are native to.They live in lakes and rivers throughout Africa. They can be seen as the equivalent to the South American


Dynamics- The Tiger fish live for about 10 to 15 years. They eat mostly fish but can eat plant matter which is cool.  

Baby Tiger fish can eat solids for when they are 6 to 8 weeks old. They reproduce by mating. It takes 1 to 2 years for a Tiger fish to be an adult.


Thursday, November 19, 2020

SC it is Good to do

 Mu literary group Have done SC I think it is a good thing to do because it teachers how we can read. It is good for as because it geth as good information a about animals.

new playground

 The school payed to have a new playground the it cashed a lot of money here is a photo of the playground  and the moire name is hikihiki.


Tuesday, November 17, 2020


Cube plot showing the predicted values from the coded model for the... |  Download Scientific Diagram  Rubiks Cube Puzzle | The Warehousecube has 8 corners and 12 edges and a square faces a face is a side of the sharp. here is same evasmples and photos .  

Monday, November 9, 2020

Rawhiti A and P show 2020

 We are doing a small A and P show. Me and Sid are do driftwood art. I am making horse out of wood it is going to be fun.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

my time tables

 This is my score 100 out of 100 I did it in 4.05 can you bet it and my goals is that I would like to get 3.50 I did it in 3.38 

and I would like to get firster at 8x7  I did my goal 

In division I got 35 in 10.00 I would like to get right 84/12 

In my divshen i got 3.39 I did good I got 90 right out of 100

My score was 100/ 100 and my time was 3.50 i did it slower 


My times tables I did it in 3.17 that is good for me I did my goal I got or 100 right

In my divshen I got 4.17 I did my goal I got 90 of them right

mpr Arapaima


Description-  The arapima 440 pounds They 10 feet  in length.They white, dark green and red. This fish have teeth that are like piranha.They have two fins.

Classification-  The arapima is in the fish family.  

They are the arapaimidae family. Arapime are carnivorous.                                                    

Location-  The arapime live in Brazil. They live in the 

Amazon River. They live in freshwater.

Dynamics-  The arapimaThe eat mostly fish but are also known 

to eat fruits and insects. The fish live for 20 years. Arapime 

reporduce by mateing. The young fish stay with their parents 

for the first 3 months. They reach sexual maturity at 5 years.

mpr alligator gar

 alligator gar    

Description- The alligator gar is 4 to 6 feet long.

The alligator gar weighs 100 to 160 pounds.

They have a white balley gray on the top. The adulte

Have two big teeth on the upper jaw. The alligator gar has eyes on the side

of they hard.

Classification- The alligator gar is in the gar family.

The gar is a carnivore. They are in the fish family. 

 Location-  The alligator gar lives in the gulf of mexico.

They live in fashwater. This fish like to live in slower

Moving rivers.

Dynamics-  The alligator gar lives for 50 years.

They eat fish and small mammals. They lay 35 to 90

 Eggs. They tack 60 day to hatch. The fish reproduce    

by mating.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Friday, October 30, 2020

10 ways manners help the world go better

 10 ways manners help the world go better. Number 1 if you were had no manners if I say hello it wood by.

Number 1 is sad and fashed and its wood is much more roend. Number 2  if we had no manners there will be no plers or thank you.

 Number 2 When you say hello thay will repla buck.

Number 3 when you speak it wood be ever loned and dushnding.

Number 4 When I keep my hand to myself and I don't punch or kick the other people  I am not in they spacs.

 Number 5 When I speak kindly it makes the people around me more calm and happy.

Number 6 When I think of people feeling before saying something I help the people be more happy.

Number 7  Kindness makes everyone feel better, speaking in a plavit voice is one reason for being kind.

Number 8 Try to notice when people are careful and kindand  wood  makes more people like you and makes you have more people who will be your finued. 

Number 9  Only say kind things. 

Number 10 Giving people nice compliments.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

My 3D and 2D Shapes

 The orange is 3D and the white is too. I used an isometric Drawing Tool and I made them with blocks


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Me makeing a boat on Tangram Builder

 I made a boat using  Tangram Builder  the first thing I did was pot the pink triangle i then I did the purple triangle. Then I toned the yellow rectangle a till it fits. Then I did the sail with the blue triangle' cyan triangle' the green square and the red triangle.

Friday, October 23, 2020


 On 19 of October we did sailing on lake Rua. They was no wined but it was fun putting up the boat to gather.  It was ok.

Australian Moniter Lizard

 Australian Moniter Lizard 

Descripson- Australian moniter lizard is 2m long. The

Lizard is yellow and brown. They have 4 claws on each foot.

They weigh 15kgs. Their tail is 61 cm.

Classification-  Australian monitor lizards are carnivores.

A lizard is in the reptile family. They are in the Agamidae.

Location- The Australian monitor lizard lives in northern Australia.They live in deserts and arteries. 

 Dynamics- Australian monitor lizards eat insects, birds, eggs, 

small reptiles and mammals. Lizards can run 20km  per hour They live for 40 years. They mate to get  young. They lay  6 eggs 

Friday, September 11, 2020

MPR black mamba

black mamba

Description - Black mamba are 4.2 m. They are gary
In colour. They have a black tongue. Black mambas weigh 1.6 kgs. Black

mambe eyes are black.

Classification - Black mambe are in the elapid snakes     

family. Black mambe are in the reptile family.

Black mambe are carnivores.

Location - Black mambe live in southern and eastern 

of africa. Black mambe in the savannas and rocky hills.

Dynamics - Black mambe eat small mammals and birds. Black mambe

can speed up to 12.5 miles per hour Black mambe can have  6 to 25 eggs.

The female black mambe leaves the eggs and never sees them again

but three months later they hatch. Black mambe live for 11 years.

MPR poison dart frog

 poison dart frog

Description- They are 2.5cm long. The weight is up to 1oz. Some of the colors poison dart frogs can be green,blue and red. There are over 175 species. 

Poison dart frogs have four toes on ech foot.

Classification-  Poison dart frogs are in the 

Dendrobatidae famliy. They are carnivores.

They are in the amphibians family.

Location- Poison dart frogs live South America.

They live in wet and tropical forests.

Dynamics- Poison dart frogs live from 1 to 3 years.

They eat ants and small inscats. They reproduce from mating. Poison dart frogs are pregnant for 10 to 12 weeks.

Poison dart frogs hunt by waiting at the termites or ants nest to lick them up into their mouth.   

inquiry vege garden

 In lnquiry we are go to make a vege garden. In my group is Robbie,me and Kizly. we have made a plan and found out want time they grow. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Monday, August 31, 2020

mpr meekits


Description- meerkits are  25 – 35 cm long. 

Males are 730 g Females 720 g.

Meerkits are brown in colour.

Classification- Meerkats are mammals. 

Meerkits eat egg’birds and spiders. 

They are in the Mongoose.Meerkat Facts | Suricat

Location- Meerkats live in Africa in grasslands and deserts in south Africa

Dynamics- Meerkats sleep for 10 to 12

Hours. Meerkats hunt in the morning.

Friday, August 28, 2020



here is me and zaza wock to day

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

fraction Wall Task


The same fraction 2/4 is the same as ½. 4/8 is the same as ¼. 1/10 is the same as ⅖.

3/6 is the same as ⅓. 6/12 is the same as ⅙.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Tack today

 Today at tack I did placs and echoneck it was fun. We fast did echonecks it was good we had to do fast thing we had to do is  cut a pas of parpare and then we had to pot it on a cordbord thing. Nor placs we made a name be yousing a app and my name was cluder black and blue the end

mpr Hairy-nosed otter

 Hairy-nosed otter


Pursat is likely the only hairy-nosed otter in captivity ...

Description- The hairy-noaed otter is 

5 to 5.9 kg. It has black fur. The hairy-noaed otter is 51 – 81 cm long.

The hairy-noaed otter is brown and white but mostly brown. The hairy-noaed otter teeth are 5.8cm long.

Classification- The hairy-noaed otter

Is in the Mustelids family. The hiary-noaed otterIs a mammal. A hiary-noaed otter is a   carnivore. 


Location- Hairy-noaed otter live in 

Southeast Asia. They live in flooded 

forests and rivers. They can live near  Fresh or salwater.

Dynamics- Hairy-noaed otter eats walking catfish snakeheads.The hairy-noaed otter live around 12 years old.The hairy-nosed otter is fast in the water so it can get the fish so then the otter can Kill the fish with it’is teeth.The hairy-noasd otter is pergnant for around two months. How the otter make babys is to meating.


Friday, August 14, 2020



Math book

pencil case









I guessed 13cm and it was 10cm so that means I was 3cm off.

I guessed 15cm and it was 12.5cm so

That means I was 2.5cm off

Self assessment for spelling Term 3 for report


Week 4 in the week we lont oo and oa parted her is 10 words boat boater float floats floated float

boot booted moon soon.

Week 3 in the week we lont igh ch sh th ee parted her is 10 words hight might light fight sight sigh

ceeper leech cheese migh fighter

Week 2 in the week spr scr str spl parted her is 10 words  scrap star spinner 

Week 1 in the week i_e  dice rice nice lice ice pipe pine slice mice bice

Tuesday, August 11, 2020


In water sport I did soccer. We vs 2 tames I played stacka. we lost are ferts game they we win are secnd game. The sckos were 3-0 we lost then the secnde one was 4-0 we win I got 2 goal and Aegens got 2 goals

mpr red belly black snakes

 Red Belly Black Snakes

Description- The red belly black snake has Black scales on

the top and red scales on the bottom. The red belly black

snake is 1.25m long. 

The red belly black snake tongue is black.

Classification- The red belly black

snake is a carnivore. It is in the elapid 

snakes family. Red belly black snakes are Red Bellied Black Snake - Simple English Wikipedia, the free ...


Location-  Red belly black snakes live only in Australia.

 It can be found in the urban forest and woodland. Are same of 

 citys they are found in Canberra Sydney  Brisbane.

Monstrous 1.8 metre red-bellied black snake captured in Brisbane ...

Dynamics- Red-bellied blackeat snakes 

primarilyconsist of frogs but they also prey on reptiles and

small mammals.

Red-bellied black snake can live up to 25 years old.