
Friday, September 11, 2020

MPR poison dart frog

 poison dart frog

Description- They are 2.5cm long. The weight is up to 1oz. Some of the colors poison dart frogs can be green,blue and red. There are over 175 species. 

Poison dart frogs have four toes on ech foot.

Classification-  Poison dart frogs are in the 

Dendrobatidae famliy. They are carnivores.

They are in the amphibians family.

Location- Poison dart frogs live South America.

They live in wet and tropical forests.

Dynamics- Poison dart frogs live from 1 to 3 years.

They eat ants and small inscats. They reproduce from mating. Poison dart frogs are pregnant for 10 to 12 weeks.

Poison dart frogs hunt by waiting at the termites or ants nest to lick them up into their mouth.   

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora William. I really like your description of poison dart frogs.
    Why did you choose to do this? Do you like to do it or do you have to do it?
    Great job.


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