
Wednesday, November 4, 2020

mpr Arapaima


Description-  The arapima 440 pounds They 10 feet  in length.They white, dark green and red. This fish have teeth that are like piranha.They have two fins.

Classification-  The arapima is in the fish family.  

They are the arapaimidae family. Arapime are carnivorous.                                                    

Location-  The arapime live in Brazil. They live in the 

Amazon River. They live in freshwater.

Dynamics-  The arapimaThe eat mostly fish but are also known 

to eat fruits and insects. The fish live for 20 years. Arapime 

reporduce by mateing. The young fish stay with their parents 

for the first 3 months. They reach sexual maturity at 5 years.


  1. Hi William I like this because you added some pictures and also put in heeding. It reminds me of some animal facts that I did. How long did this take?

  2. Kia ora William! I like this because you describe what the animal is and the location. It it reminds me of when I had to do this animal research about Tigers. I like how you put paragraph so it's easier to read I find it difficult to do that. great job!


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