
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Thursday, June 24, 2021


 Today in tech we did sewing and mechatronics. In sewing we design are T shirt and my design was music and sport. In mechatronics we make a robot and it had to have colour sensor and follow a black line. it did not work and know one in are class finished. 

Friday, June 18, 2021

writing hail storm and brain storm

 This week we have been doing planing and using brain storm. This is a brain storm about a hail storm that was at are school last month. 








The rain was as loud as a zoo

The hail storm was as big as the sea

The kids are like a lion in a zoo

The kids are running around like herdless chickens.

You can hear the trash yelling as it rolls across the ground

One day at Rawhiti school it was a big hail storm or of the kids were running around the school dancing in

the run. I can hear the hail hitting the ground fearlessly and you can hear the trash yelling as it rolls across

the ground. . The rain was getting louder and louder  like a flock of seagulls. It was so cool to see hail on the ground. People started to throw hail balls at each other. When the hail

storm stopped. It was time to go back to class or for the kids that went outside in the rain as

 cold as Antarctica. 

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Spencer park run

 Yesterday we did a Spencer park run. The run started at Broad park and finished at Spencer park which was 7 km. The run. When we got to broad park we had to get in to are groups I was in the run group. The people in my group was Josh,Zaza,Ezra,Reuben,Jelani and Kyzel. We were the first to go. When we got to 1 km I  was not tired and I was nice hearing the sea as it crash on the sand. We had to put up signs so the anther groups know how far they have to go an where to go. As the run went on it was starting to get hard around the 4 k and my legs felt like they had lead in them as they went up halls. It was nice to be running in nature. When we got 5 k we had a little rest and we where back to running. My breath was as short as a ant. When we got to Spencer park I was super happy that it was my first time doing 7 km and my legs felt like they have fallen of. I would do it again. Hear is a photo of when we finished 

Te Ao Maori

 Yesterday we did Te Ao Maori. I had Jelani and Zaza in are group. We had to do it about a myth in Maori,Samoan,Greek and Native American. We decided on doing Maori. The Maori one was about the children separating the parents so they could breathe or that we did was take same notes and put them in are book so we can remember. 

Wednesday, June 16, 2021


 Today at Italian I have learnt how to say boy,girl,man and woman in Italian. I have been using duolingo and my goal is to be able to say my name in and where a am from and one to ten. 

Thursday, June 10, 2021


 Yesterday we did zones cross country at Queens Park school. The way to get in to zones is to get top 5 in your school cross country and after zone it is Canterbury. The way to go to Canterbury is to get top 8 in zone and 9 and 10 are reserves. At 11.00 we had to go to the hall to get are track team uniform. Then we get into the van to go to zones. When we got they we got to go around the race track to know where to go. My race was the last race of the day year 8 boys. In that run I got 11 and I was super tired at the end of the race and I got to go home early.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021


 This week in literacy we have been work on Matariki. We have been doing mpr on matariki. They is 7 sister but it is actually 9 and it could be hundreds or thousands more and Matariki is going to be a public holiday in Friday 24 June 2022. Greek people believe the Pleiades represents seven daughters of Atlas. 

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Te Reo Maori

 Yesterday in Te Reo Maori we had to go up to are teacher and say some work in Te Reo Maori. Then he would give you a rating out of 5 and I got 5 out of 5. Then we got to color in the Maori gods. Here is some words in Maori tua ke (awesome) Rawe (Excellent) and that are last session doing Te Reo Maori now we are doing Te Ao Maori.


Yesterday we did math. In math we where doing strategy's for short division and long division. I was confuse at the start of the strategy and the remained's but the next day I  was not confuse. This it the work sheet we were doing for math. 

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Polynesian panther

 What are the Polynesian panthers, an activist group continuing to fight for human rights in New Zealand.

Why did they make the Polynesian panther start? A group of young gang members and students set up the Polynesian Panthers to stand up for the rights of the Pasifika community.

Which year did Polynesian panthers start? They started 16 June 1971 in Auckland.

How many people were in the Polynesian panthers group. There were not that many Polynesian panthers; they were 300 members.

Dame Whina Cooper

 Today we had to do 7 sister about Dame Whina Cooper.

Who is Dame Whina Cooper. Whina was a worker for her people for many years.

When was she born? She was born on 9 December 1895.

When did Dame Whina Cooper became famous? She became famous in 1981 because she made DBE and she became a mamber of the order of NZ in 1991. 

What does DBE stand for? It stands for Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire.

Why did Dame Whina Cooper lead the march? So was protesting against continuing the loss of the Maori land and it was led by Dame Whina Cooper.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Te Reo Maori

In the last 5 week of Te Reo Maori. We have been doing farewell and  past  and present. Next we had to do 10 comment with staff like tau ke is awesome. 

NZ national anthem

 This is my research on the NZ national anthem. I use 7 sister.  

What year was the NZ national anthem introduced  into Te reo Maori. It was introduced to Te roe Maori in 1999.

Where did NZ national anthem originate from? It was originally from Dunedin’s.

When was it first preformed. It was performed for the first time on Christmas day in 1876.

Who made the NZ national anthem. It was Written by Thomas Bracken.

In the 1870s.

Which year did they make it official in NZ's national anthem? It became the official NZ national anthem in 1977.

Who is Kupe

 For reading were are doing the 7 sister. This is are work from today.

Why was Kupe famous was the first Polynes to discover the islands of New Zealand.

When did Kupe become famous he became famous in 1976.

How did kupe get to NZ? He got there by canoe by chasing a Octopus.

What did kupe take to NZ? He take fishingrod,food and water.

Where did he come from? He came from Polynesia.

When was Kupe born. He was born in 1795.

Who named NZ Aotearoa. Kupe named NZ Aotearoa.