
Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Sealers and Whalers arrived in NZ

 Sealers and Whalers arrival in Aotearoa.

We did his for Inquiry. We lent about sealers and whalers when they arrived in New Zealand. and I put in the link to where I got information.

Why did whalers and sealers come To NZ?

This European explosion first impacted on New Zealand in the closing decade of the 18th century when sealers and whalers began to arrive in their hundreds seeking to exploit local resources.


When did whalers come to NZ?

They came to NZ in the 1820s.


When did sealers arrive in NZ?

The sealers came to NZ in

1791 to 1792 and continue to



What is sealing and whaling?

Whaling happened because of the skull’ oil and bones. Sealing  happened in 1830 and the NZ seal was on words of extinction but it was outlewd in 1926.


How did whalers kill whales?

the whalers fired a harpoon into the whale. The harpoon was attached to a long rope, and the whale would drag the vessel until it became exhausted.


How did sealers kill seals?

The work was dangerous.

The men would hunt at

night, and many slipped

on the rocks and drowned. Using clubs, they would

quickly kill all the seals in a group. Then they would

take off the skins and hang

them out to dry.

Link to 

What did ‘hunters’ gain from seals and whales?The hunt for Whales and seals was the reason for the initial exploration of Antarctica. Reports of abundant stocks drew the adventurous from the early 1800's onwards. Before long there were major crashes in the populations of some wildlife. The Antarctic fur seal for example was almost totally wiped out at many locations by 1830 leading to a decline in the sealing industry although it continued on a smaller scale well into the 1900's. Link

Which areas did whalers and sealers congregate?

The New Zealand sealing region is defined here as the New Zealand mainland and the Antipodes, Auckland, Bounty, Campbell, Chatham, Macquarie and Snares Islands   



From 1797 American whalers arrived, and during the 1830s

the French whaling ships

turned up in significant

numbers. A shore station was established in Dusky

Sound for sealing. Seals

were hunted, and their skins

taken to make hats which

were fashionable in Europe

and America.



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