
Tuesday, February 23, 2021


In fitness we had to do same sort of rugby sort drill w as we did for it was zigzag and pass it when you get back.  Then we did tire tug of war you got a number my one was 18 you what in one two or threes I what two times one was with Rhycos he was on my team. 

Monday, February 22, 2021


 In swimming freestyle freestyle and then breaststroke I do not like breaststroke. Then we did freestyle at heft why we had to go on are back and do backstroke and breaststroke to go back it was fun but it was ok.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021



 The first thing we did was the tyres run we had to get into even teams. Then we had to go and run to the first cone and put your left foot and out then your right foot in and they run to the second cone and run back I did ok in that one.

For dancing  we did the Bunny hop.  We had to put our hands on the shoulders of the person in front of us. Then you had to do one jump forward and one back then three jumps forward in a line. Then we learnt how to do the Saturday Night fever dancing, we had to do it. That was hard to do but my favorite bit was the seat belt. We had to do the cupid shuffle steps to the right and to the left then kick 4 times and turn to your left.

Friday, February 12, 2021

pro logger


me being a year 8

I am a year 8 it as been fun but you have a lot more responsibility then a year 7 but you have more chance to do more things. But as been the same as a year 7 but it is probably going to get harder I think it is going to be fun


 On Wednesday we did chilly sport for the first time we did kiwi sport for 5 years but now we are doing chilly sport first. We did first jogging and walking then we did barb ware I made it to the 4 round. Then we sat down and walked back to class.  

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Technology Today

We had tech today we had woodwork and sewing. In sewing we had to think of world problems then we did design. I chose to do turtles. I did it because turtles are eating plastic bags. Then we had to print the turtle. T

We had woodwork first we had write what the key chain was for. Then we centre pushed it the we dialled it after that we pot a hanging on the key chain.