
Friday, October 30, 2020

10 ways manners help the world go better

 10 ways manners help the world go better. Number 1 if you were had no manners if I say hello it wood by.

Number 1 is sad and fashed and its wood is much more roend. Number 2  if we had no manners there will be no plers or thank you.

 Number 2 When you say hello thay will repla buck.

Number 3 when you speak it wood be ever loned and dushnding.

Number 4 When I keep my hand to myself and I don't punch or kick the other people  I am not in they spacs.

 Number 5 When I speak kindly it makes the people around me more calm and happy.

Number 6 When I think of people feeling before saying something I help the people be more happy.

Number 7  Kindness makes everyone feel better, speaking in a plavit voice is one reason for being kind.

Number 8 Try to notice when people are careful and kindand  wood  makes more people like you and makes you have more people who will be your finued. 

Number 9  Only say kind things. 

Number 10 Giving people nice compliments.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

My 3D and 2D Shapes

 The orange is 3D and the white is too. I used an isometric Drawing Tool and I made them with blocks


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Me makeing a boat on Tangram Builder

 I made a boat using  Tangram Builder  the first thing I did was pot the pink triangle i then I did the purple triangle. Then I toned the yellow rectangle a till it fits. Then I did the sail with the blue triangle' cyan triangle' the green square and the red triangle.

Friday, October 23, 2020


 On 19 of October we did sailing on lake Rua. They was no wined but it was fun putting up the boat to gather.  It was ok.

Australian Moniter Lizard

 Australian Moniter Lizard 

Descripson- Australian moniter lizard is 2m long. The

Lizard is yellow and brown. They have 4 claws on each foot.

They weigh 15kgs. Their tail is 61 cm.

Classification-  Australian monitor lizards are carnivores.

A lizard is in the reptile family. They are in the Agamidae.

Location- The Australian monitor lizard lives in northern Australia.They live in deserts and arteries. 

 Dynamics- Australian monitor lizards eat insects, birds, eggs, 

small reptiles and mammals. Lizards can run 20km  per hour They live for 40 years. They mate to get  young. They lay  6 eggs