
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

100 times tibles

I did 100 times tables qust I got or my time tables ragte. I did it in 3.51 that was my best time.

Friday, July 24, 2020

1 meter bike challeing

The 1 mater bike challenge

 Me and zeze had to eastamat how long a mater is then I had to pot a chock line on the grand. Then we had to mager. I got 1m and 22cm zeze got 1m. I went 22cm over the mater zeze got 10cm over the mack.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

zone for coss catey

Me sid zaza what to zone for runing zone is where or the top 5 kids from each school. We they was 21 kids in my race I got 12th. Sid did not finsh and zaza got 20th.

MPR Sun bear

Sun Bears


Description - Sun bears have a light brown patch of colour

on their chest. It has ____ fur.

Classification - Sun bears are in the bear Sun bears living in China !! — Steemit

Family. Sun bears ____ omnivores.

Location - Sun bears ____ in Southeast Asia.Sun bears live in lowland forests.

Dynamic - Sun bears ___ be up to 25 to 31 years old.

They sleep for 10 hours.

William pike chillenge

I will do sacing for 20 outdoor activty then would aver 60%

Monday, July 20, 2020

The doop the ruler game

Me and zaza had to do this you they to chach a ruler a see wot number you get. Zaza got 19cm out of 3 a tems his youl is 1. I got 40 out of 3 atmes my youl is 12

Thursday, July 2, 2020



Description Kookaburra are 18 inches in Length. In
colour they are black’white and blue. 

Kookaburra are carnivorous.
Kookaburra are in the KingfisherLaughing kookaburra - Wikipedia

Kookaburra live in woodland in 
Australia. Kookaburra live around nsw.

Kookaburra live for about 20 years.
Kookaburra eat insects and snakes.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

WT Scaffold Template for how to write an MPR

How To Write an Animal Report

In our class we have been learning how to write reports about animals.
This is about how we do it.

  1. First we write in title

  1. Then we write 2 classification facts. These are what family it is in

  1. Next  we write another paragraph about location facts These are were it
  2. lives

  1. Our last paragraph is dynamics facts. These are about what they look like

  1. The 5th step is to add two photos. To get the photos to sit where we want  

  1. The final step is check for  spalling

  1. Below is one of the animal reports I have created this term.


Description- meerkits are  25 – 35 cm long. 
Meerkat Facts | Suricat
Males ____ 730 g Females 720 g.
Meerkits are brown in colour.

Classification- Meerkats are mammals. 
Meerkits eat ____’birds and spiders. 
They are in the Mongoose.

Location- Meerkats live in Africa in grasslands and deserts
in ____ Africa

Dynamics- Meerkats sleep for 10 to 12
Hours. Meerkats hunt in ____ morning.