
Thursday, May 28, 2020

Are biker group

Biology MPR Karoro

The karoro (pronounced car-raw-raw) is a native bird. It is both a scavenger and a predator. It is an omnivore. That is, it will eat both plants and animals.
Black-billed gulls are found all over New Zealand, but they are most common in the South Island. They usually stay close to the coast.
The adult birds are black and white. They are the biggest type of seagull in NZ. For the first 2 years of their lives, they are brown.
Karoro will eat just about anything. They eat washed up shellfish and dead fish. They eat other birds eggs, worms, insects, baby birds and baby rabbits.

Monday, May 25, 2020

I can raned to the nerst namber 10' 100 and 1000

I can raned to the nerst namber 10’ 100 and 1000

56 60
179 200                                             runed down 01234
2860 3000                                         runed up 56789