
Thursday, April 23, 2020

Man ejects himself from plane

An American man has accidentally ejected himself from a fighter jet.
The 64-year-old man was taking a ride in the fighter as a birthday present
from his family.
He accidentally grabbed the ejection handle, and was blasted out of the
plane in his seat.
He was flying at over 500km/h at the time.
His parachute opened and he had a soft landing in a nearby field.

The pilot wasn’t ejected and was able to land the plane on the runway

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Facts About Lions

A female lion needs 5 kg of meat
everyday, that’s heaps. A male
needs 7kg or more food a day!
A baby lion is called a cub, whelp
or lionet which is cute. In the wild
lions live from 12 years up to16
years. They live up to 25 years in
captivity. Which is quite young for

Lions are animals, vertebrates,
mammals and cats, They are
carnivores. Their scientific name
is : Panthera Leo

Location - Lions live in the Sub
Saharan Africa. Lions live in
grasslands, shrubs and open
woodlands. Another
small population lives in India's
Gir Forest. 

Lions hunt for food from
dusk till dawn. Female lions
do 85%-90% of the prides
hunting, whilst the male lions
patrol the territory and protect the
pride which is weird and awesome. Lions speed is up to 81Kmph. Which is fast!

Monday, April 20, 2020

The Lion and the Mouse

The Lion and the Mouse 

Once when a Lion was asleep a little mouse ran up and sat
on top of him; this woke up the lion, who placed his huge
paw on the mouse, and opened his big jaws to eat I
 him. "Please O King," begged the little mouse: "forgive me
this time, I will  never forget it: and who knows I may be
able to help you one of these days?" 
The lion was so tickled at the idea of the Mouse being able
to help him, that he lifted up his paw and let him go.

Some time after, the Lion was trapped in a net set by
hunters. Just then, the  little mouse happened to pass by,
and saw the helpless trapped lion, and he went up to him
and  soon gnawed away the ropes that trapped the King
of the Beasts. "Was I not right?" said the little mouse,
“Little friends can be great help.”