
Thursday, December 5, 2019

My Branch Inpaver

Are bridge can hold  37 kg easy.
It can hold 15 deaneries.
It has 12 planes.
It is pant blue and black.
It is 58 centimeters long.😃
It tock 2 week to make

Monday, December 2, 2019

Minecaft Timps

Do not make the face of your house a square or rectangle.
Use blocks that work well together.
Make it interesting.
Use more than 3 block.
Make the walls in one block for the  is from the corner.
Do not use the same colour blocks.
Do not make it to Fancy.
Make it so you can see in your house.
Make it unique.
Don't build to big or smil.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Monday, November 4, 2019

monster at school

moister attacks school.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Researching Bridges


Type of bridge


Rigid horizontal structure
2 supports at each end

It as big place to cep tidey.

For boat  to go Under.

Walk on it and you can also drive your car on it.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The named pot


The Empty Pot -Demi

What kind of a character is Ping? The Emperor? He never
land a bat planting a plant.

Why did the Emperor wants to have a contest? To pack a new

What is the problem in the story Ping can't  get has plant to

Do you think the Emperor was fair? yes

What lessons did Ping learn To never gave up.

Do you think the Emperor was fair? yes

What lessons did Ping learn To never gave up.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

free juice

Free Juice - Giselle Fortune

Is it OK for the children to take the juice? Why? Why not?
No because it is not his

Why did Jack take the juice? 
Because other kids took it as well

How Jack is feeling after taking the juice. What words in the story tell you this? nervous

Why does he feel that way because he stole juice

What does Jack do after taking the juice? What could he do next? say sorry

On the copy of page 4-5, highlight the character’s feelings and complete the table below.

How they are feeling?
How do I know?
He’s not joining in. He looks over at his teacher
. His face looks worried. 
4 5
He was jumping and he has a
Because the teacher notes and they are

Post your work onto your blog

Monday, September 9, 2019

The cow and pig

They is a cow he is lonely. He is in a farm but he killed his
owner because he was mean. Then he made a friend he is
a pig. He is a pick pig with blck spots. They played in a
field but a wolf came the pig and cow ran as fast as they
can. The wolf chases them NO said the pig and cow. The
big cow kicked the wolf she died. The cow and pig made it
home. They eat and eat all day. They saw a skank. It stank
NOOOOOO screamed the cow and pig. The cow and pig
ran as fast as he can. The pig ran in the ban and the cow
ran into the ganter.  They gond not find ech other that is t
he end.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Mr jeffrey fat the soccer player.

There was a young soccer player called Mr Jeffrey fat he
played for Manchester United his position is Striker.
Manchester United vs only team.The only team is
the best team in the lager. At 4.00 pm.It starts it is 4.00
pm the game begins.In the first 10 minutes Manchester
United scores. That was the only goal. The score was 1/0
to Manchester United Mr Jeffery fat got man of the match.
The next game they are vs the Compilers the game begins.
At the first 80 minutes he scores the match winning goal by
Mr Jeffery fat the game ends .It was 1/0 again the next game
is a home game for the first time. They are visiting spend
team the game begins the fast goal to spend team.
Manchester United sans a goal 1/1. The last 10 minutes
Mr Jeffery fat score the winning goal yes seamed Mr Jeffery
fat. The score was 2/1 to Manchester United.The next game is
a gets the best team man city. who wins this game. Too
he fanles. The game begins. The first goal is to Mr Jeffery fat.
Then the best player on Manchester United. The final score
was 2/0. The grand finale is against man city. The GAME
BEGINS! the first goal is to Manchester United.They score
again but man city score. No man city score. Penaten santana
the first shot missed. Man city missed as well they scored yes
scammed Mr Jeffery fat we win the final.By William.T

1 1/2 taplnds

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

sanetst ecksperman

We did a experiment we put 1/2 cup of vinegar and 4 tesspes of baking soda.It  made a chemical reaction that made carbon dioxide.That is a gas.The balloon filled up with bubbles and Canon dioxide.I got pretty big.1/4 the bubbles filled up haft away.The 1/2 a cup of vinegar pregost more carbon dioxide

Will They Float

This  are qesheds
1.Maybe an stick will float.
2.Will a piece of paper float.
3.Does a Dino float.
4.Can feather float.
5.wonder if a lunchbox will float.
6.Maybe a apple will float.
7.Will a potato will float.
8.I wonder if a pita will float.
9.Does a rock will float.
10.can a carrot will float.

Friday, August 9, 2019

The Science Experiment

The vinegar and baking soda.Mixed together and made a chemical reaction.That makes carbon dioxide and that is a gas.It started to fizz and bubble.It filled up the bag and it built up pressure.The bag inflate and it popped.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

My Beast

This is my beast it as a fire on it's Manon.It hand big gloss.It is Small and bag teeth.A let of fer.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

birds haseu yeet

William Aiden Aidan Samuel Reuben’s Birdhouse Reflection
  • To make a birdhouse to protect the birds from predators (eats them or their
  • eggs) and encourage them to live in our gardens.
  • To work together to build a birdhouse or bird house prototype.
  • To complete the birdhouse reflection and add a photograph (up to 4)
  • To embed our reflection on our blog.

  1. We learnt how to 
  • To saw wood to make the sides
  • Build a birdhouse feeder
  1. We created a birdhouse feeder.
  • It has 7 pieces of wood
  • And it had lots of nails in it
  1. I shared my ideas with me Aiden Aidan William Reuben
  2. The things that went well for our group were we finished our bird house 
  3. The problems our group had were that it has been raining so we can’t paint our houses
7) to embed my reflection I need to
  • Click on file
  • Click on publish to the web
  • Click on Publish
  • copy html (Control C)
  • go to blog
  • Click on new post
  • Type in title
  • Click on html
  • Paste (Control V)
  • See Sharon here
  • Click on compose and success???? See Sharon if not 

All blcks Fabnes for 2 planes

TJ peanear Hife black for the haccears  and All blacks.
nilpn limpen  sand five for the heccans and All blacks

How to stan safl on lan

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

sidney fun dadwover

We are asharala  out sand of the msen.Lt sand saol mines a
go There is a geant band.́ ́ ́Hollo dad.´´How are you today.
But one pshe is sachin the berams hand.There is a big shine
samberaern next to the band.But someone next to me is
standing on his pion.A lot
of pelep in chond the mask of secl mines.A lot of peln a
leaning to the band.But everyone are working a
wan. This is a qeshm for you.How
long had they richland this song.They were they editing.
The music was a wave of dilan that an std or of a me
.There was a big sleep next to me.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

nz fun fanst

1.30% of NZ is frets.
2.The caped city of NZ is Wellington.
3.The lunges city in NZ is Auckland.
4.The often lapel is Elysha.
5.Ti Rio Mined NZ sin Lynch.

Why Church is spill.
1.Church as had the mast evaporation NZ. :)HI HI HI HI

Monday, July 29, 2019

Friday, July 26, 2019

My Bio Poem

fast rugby wiring saint 
Brother of Olivia 
Lover of  Rugby pidgey soccer fanny fast meaning
Who gives fanny santnes fun
Who feels  smart, clever confident
Who fears School homework stingrays
Who would like Prodigy membership writing plants
I am from Sydney but live in Christchurch

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Orea pack trep

I went on Wednesday 26th of June.Theses we got into small
groups.The animals is a meekest.One owes is on the ground
and for drift a tacky they make befit Collins.Gales they eat
poo.Do not sent the eyes of a Gale her weft gone and do not
birth your chest.Spider Mickey's they in a jangles.they Lev in
gimp of 13 to 10 in the win land.They eat font and veggies.They
Arne vend travel animals.Vein hand Leach.Then we see Afton
wild dogs.Afton would dogs exposed they Peria to Eocene and
tent to sans.They we want to the giraffes.And we gotta feud t
hem.5 times they Manley bent man.It was a blast.They are
toil and big.Then we hand on the bus and went to school.
Theme did wok and meekest are mar fret animal they.The end.

Friday, June 28, 2019

my fish name Laery

I made it aunt of pamper.It was fun and clashing.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

chocolate monster

 One upon a time. Time. There was a chocolate monster
in a big cave. It at a good burger. The  chocolate monster
he dshond a launch city. He as a 25000000 dles. And a
gantt bum monster gets kill be a chocolate monster and
got mill it said. Hi my name is mum but a gant boat is
coming. It as a lot of guard be careful love from mum. And
he goes to the massive boat. The guard see me no l got
shot in the heart. But  it is chocolate it is made back up. I
see gured. Yes said mum you. Leon kills a box R.I.P
nooooooooooooooooooooooooo yes. Said chocolate
monster I will kill you no. And boom slime bow up
chocolate monster the end.

Monday, June 17, 2019

My Artwork

l like it.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

monde mask

packaso art

My Picasso art I did this for mayday mash up it was Bering.

do you like it is hard and fun

Monday, June 10, 2019

my term 2 goals

William T
Term 2 Week 5 Goal Setting Sheet - 28th May

do you think I will a achieve goals


To know division facts 2,5,10

To recognise and identify compound words

To plan my writing using a hamburger
Deeper Learning

To set challenging goals and reflect on them